Vaginal Steaming Is a “Must” For Gwyneth Paltrow, But Not for Everyone

Vaginal Steaming Is a “Must” For Gwyneth Paltrow, But Not for Everyone

Dr. Pari was featured as a guest contributor in the article below, originally posted on by Jen Jones Donatelli on March 25, 2015.

Could a down-there detox be the magical elixir for all of our uterine woes? Celebs like Tia and Tamera Mowry and Gwyneth Paltrow seem to think so, singing the praises of vaginal steaming—or “V-Steaming” for short. Here’s how Gwyneth describes the now-trendy treatment (which is actually a centuries-old Korean practice known as Chai-yok): “You sit on what is essentially a mini-throne, and a combination of infrared and mugwort steam cleanses your uterus, et al. It is an energetic release—not just a steam douche—that balances female hormone levels. If you’re in LA, you have to do it.”

Whether you’re in LA or not, the need for vaginal steaming may be debatable, according to Texas-based gynecologist Pari Ghodsi (who wrote this rather entertaining rebuttal to Gwyneth’s glowing endorsement). See her reasons why it might be better to just say no to the V-Steam:

The V-Steam may mess with your natural pH levels. We all love the feeling of being so fresh and so clean, but a steam douche—or any douche, for that matter—isn’t the smartest way to do it. “Douching can clean out not only the bad bacteria, but also the good bacteria, throwing your pH balance off and leading to bacterial or yeast infections,” warns Ghodsi. Her advice? Let the self-cleaning vagina do its job.

What’s hormone balancing have to do with it? Not much, says Ghodsi. Though many V-steam proponents make the case that the treatment balances hormone levels, Ghodsi says that outcome is unlikely. “I use the analogy that [it’s like thinking] if you shoot steam into your ear, it will clean out your brain,” she says. “Your vagina has nothing to do with hormone regulation; your brain does. The two things aren’t connected, so [that claim] makes no sense.”

You might feel the burn—and not in a good way. True steam is created when boiling water reaches 212 degrees Fahrenheit, which may be far too hot to handle for the delicate nether regions. “The vagina on the inside is a very sensitive tissue, and when something that hot touches the mucous membranes, it can burn your vagina,” says Ghodsi.

The term “uterine cleanse” isn’t really accurate. According to Ghodsi, it’s virtually impossible for the V-Steam to cleanse the uterus, since it can’t bypass the tiny cervical opening without outside assistance. “You would have to take a tube, put it into the cervix, and shoot [steam] into it to get access into the uterus,” says Ghodsi. “Simply putting something in your vagina doesn’t have the right pressure to reach the uterus.”

To be fair, not everyone in health circles questions the validity of the V-Steam. Though there is no scientific or peer-reviewed clinical evidence that vaginal steaming works, many natural health experts believe the practice can help reinstate regular periods, protect the uterus from ulcers and tumors, and possibly even enhance fertility. In fact, Niki Han Schwarz, owner of Tikkun Spa (where Gwyneth gets steamed) told the LA Times that after battling three years of infertility, she was able to get pregnant at age 45 after only five V-Steam treatments. Additionally, women in Korea have long looked to V-Steams as a cleansing method after their periods.

Lesson learned? No treatment is right for everyone, and it’s important to vet any trendy new health cure-alls. (After all, some celebrity endorsements are simply full of GOOP.) “Be careful about the advice we’re taking from celebrities in terms of health,” says Ghodsi. “With social media, someone can say something and it’s suddenly everywhere, and people may decide to do something that’s harmful for themselves.”

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